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Skate Lessons Advanced-2 1.0
Asha Kirkby
Learn more and improve your rollerblade andinline skate skills from a skilled and experienced instructor.These step-by-step video skate lessons for advanced level skatersshow you the right way to skate and practice, as if you have aninstructor with you. Each video skate tutorial has accompanyingdetailed notes and also a Practice Exercise Summary so that youpractice everything needed in the right order and you know what tofocus on. These lessons will develop and polish your repertoire ofskills, increase your safety and make your skating look smooth,easy and comfortable. Gain confidence by learning to combine skillstogether to create impressive combinations and sequences whichreally have the ‘wow’ factor.Features:• Introductory Videos;Weight Distribution and Stance, Advanced Pre-requisites, SecretstoBackwards Skating.• Skate Skills Lesson Videos;Forward Outside Three Turn, Backward Outside Three Turn,BackwardInverted Mohawk, Jumps (Forward to Forward jump, Backward toBackwardjump, Forward to Backward jump).• Expert Demonstrations.• Step-by-step instructions for safely learning each newskill.• Common Problems and how to fix them.• Graphics to explain essential information.• Technical notes and focus points.• Practice Exercise Summary (for easy, at-a-glance practice).• Total of 1hr05mins worth of teaching videos.Asha Kirkby is one of the highest qualified and experiencedskate instructors in the world. She is a trainer of instructorsworldwide for the ICP (Inline Certification Programme) and hastaught thousands to skate in her UK skate school Skatefresh inLondon and Brighton. As an ex-figure skater in her teens, Asha hasbeen skating for 30 years. These lessons are the culmination of heryears of experience teaching and skating. Her teaching style isunique, direct and to the point and has been tested on manystudents with great success. Put an instructor in your pocket andsee how much easier it all becomes. Let your practice time be trulyuseful and productive. You can only relax on your skates when yourtechnique is good and you are skating well. This is when it flows,when your skates feel like part of you (and not separate). Yourskating will then make you feel vibrant and alive.
Skate Technique Roller Derby 1 1.0
Asha Kirkby
Learn how to skate really well from askilledand experienced instructor (Asha has been teaching full timefor 14years and on skates for 30 years). She is THE online skatingexpertand gives crystal clear communication of the exercises whichwillresult in you acquiring new and improved techniques.Thesestep-by-step video lessons show you the right way to skateandpractice, as if you have an instructor with you, reminding youofthe important things to focus on while you skate. Eachskatetutorial breaks down the skill in a logical and safesequenceenabling you to progressively achieve and perfect themanoeuvres.The lessons work equally well practicing them solo orwith a friendor group.When you skate well, you feel alive, connected to your body,intune with your wheels and experiencing the flow and grace ofgreatskating. Your skating (and Derby playing) will becomemoresatisfying as you truly master those tricky techniques andachievethe results you always wanted. Your skating will betransformed.The changes these apps will create in your skating willbe longlasting and positive, enabling you to overcome futurechallengesusing the wisdom you learn here.Most of the skills covered in the two apps are on theWFTDA’sMinimum required skills list.• Quads 1 app provides step-by-step instructions forvariousskills in each section of;o Introduction (Roller Derby Intro, Weight Distribution&Stance).o Movements (Stride and Speed, Acceleration).o Stops (Toe Stop Drag, Plough stop)o Speciality skills (Backward Skating, Backward Scissors).o Expert Demonstrations.o Common Problems and how to fix them.o Total of 35 minutes worth of teaching videos.These lessons are aimed at the following quads skaters;• Roller Derby skaters wanting improve their game by honingtheirskating, stopping and special skills, while also learningincreasedstability and confidence on the track.• Roller Disco quad skaters and those who skate in rinks orleisurecentres.• Recreational quad skaters skating outdoors using parks,tracks,seafront promenadesAsha is one of the highest qualified and experiencedskateinstructors in the world. She is a trainer of instructorsworldwidefor the ICP (Inline Certification Programme) and hastaughtthousands to skate in her UK skate school Skatefresh.For free examples of Asha’s online teaching skills, pleasecheckout her YouTube channel ‘Skatefresh Videos’ containing bothquadand inline tutorials. In 2012 Asha launched a comprehensiveseriesof Inline skate Apps on iPhone and Android last year, socheck outthe reviews for those products on the App store andGooglePlay(